Pydio Cells 2.0: achieving a new step in enterprise collaboration performance

Italo Vignoli
4 min readNov 7, 2019

Paris, November 7, 2019 — Pydio announces Cells 2.0, a new version of the open source enterprise content and collaboration platform (CCP) which combines the full range of features of Pydio 8 with the performance and security excellence of the Pydio Cells architecture.

The new version capitalizes on 15 months of user feedback after the release of Pydio Cells, which marked the availability of the collaborative file sharing platform under a modern, performance-oriented architecture. Reaching the next level of maturity, Cells 2.0 offers better performances, advanced sync options, single sign on with OAuth and OpenID, and easy upgrades from home to enterprise versions.

The Pydio Cells server is now available for Windows.

According to David Gillard, Pydio co-founder: “The majority of Pydio customers have security and compliance constraints that definitely make using SaaS sharing platforms a problem. By deploying Pydio Cells in a trusted infrastructure (from on-premises to secure public cloud), they get the best of both worlds in term of security, flexibility, advanced performances, and friendliness of user interface”.

Sync is back, more powerful than ever

Longly awaited by former Pydio 8 users, the desktop sync client has been fully rewritten according to Pydio Cells standards. Windows, Mac and Linux users can now seamlessly keep their files offline, while the admins can control their rights to do so.

Our bold technological move to Golang is paying off: we are now shipping a sync tool with greater performance than ever. Furthermore, by sharing the same programming language and communication protocols between the server and the clients, the tool can even be used for realtime server-to-server synchronization!” says Charles du Jeu, Tech Lead and CEO of the project.

Authentication up to the next level

File sharing is a crucial piece of an enterprise infrastructure only if admins can control who can access the network shares. In order to integrate with the security requirements of most business, Cells 2.0 now offers an unprecedented integration with any OAuth2/OpenIDConnect enabled infrastructure: whether you need to plug into an existing enterprise SSO or to adopt Cells as the Identity Provider for other services, the new authentication module is the perfect match for a flawless integration with any global user management system.

Extended in-browser editing

Pydio Cells has always provided online editing of documents, spreadsheets and presentations thanks to the integration of online editors. Pydio Cells 2.0 introduces a new annotation mechanism that extends online editing to pictures and videos, to extend the feature to creative teams. This represents an interesting alternative to similar proprietary solutions, without the risks of having pictures and videos tracked by search engines.

Part of an ecosystem

Pydio Cells was born from the need to overcome the limitations encountered by the former ajaXplorer PHP-based architecture. Pydio Cells 2.0 capitalize on over 10 years of experience in the development of a great file sharing solution, and can now leverage all the advantages of the Golang ecosystem and its fast growing community, including projects such as Docker and Kubernetes, to fully integrate the DevOps movement.

Using Go, the de-facto language for the devops community, and a micro-service architecture, we are now providing a fully integrated stack to deploy Pydio Cells in a modern cloud infrastructure, added Charles du Jeu. From the object-storage approach, to an easy load-balancing and nodes recovery, up to the production of logs in JSON format for easy aggregation, we embraced all best-practice every DevOps is seeking”.

About Pydio

With over 1 million downloads worldwide and customers in all continents, Pydio Cells is one of the most adopted open source enterprise content & collaboration platform. Designed with users, system administrators and developers in mind, it provides a unified cross-platform file sharing and synchronization solution. In contrast to online file sharing services, users retain full ownership and control of their own data, empowered by Pydio Cells’ unique right management features.

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